Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)
Products within this category have clear and indisputable links to the region in which they are produced: all the aspects of production, processing and preparation happen in that specific region. A few examples: Roquefort (France), Noord-Hollandse Gouda PDO (Netherlands), Bovški sir (Slovenia)

Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)
This label certifies a certain relationship between a region and name of a product. Here only at least one stage of the production must take place in the region. Examples: Salame Piemonte (Italy), Thüringer Leberwurst (Germany), Gornooryahovski sudzhuk (Bulgaria)

The EU Organic label
This label is found on EU food and drinks products that are produced in compliance with EU organic food production rules. It ensures that products certified as Organic have fulfilled strict conditions on how they must be produced, processed, transported and stored, with a limited environmental impact. It encourages responsible use of energy and natural resources; maintenance of biodiversity and a high standard of animal welfare.